Thursday, October 23, 2008

A.G.O Commission Inspiration.

Where does the time go I wonder?
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that my last entry was in September. The autumn had been taken up with making new stock for coming shows, teaching classes and sadly closing down my shop in Cookstown. It is a sad sign of the times. Costs are high and everyone is feeling the pinch and usually with that, Art is the first to suffer. When you have bills to pay who needs to buy ceramics? On the other hand isn't it a better investment than the stock market these days? And on top of that you have the pleasure of living with an object you adore! Art always makes me feel better about life and it is one of my true pleasures.....We all need it (we just don't all know it yet!)

Recently I was luck enough to be commissioned by the buyer of the A.G.O shop, Diane Smeding.
The last few weeks have been consumed with making new pieces for their opening in November.
Like most of my work I concentrate on surface. I love the textures of peeling paints and surfaces once used, loved, reused then neglected and exposed to the elements....In time the decaying surface hints of past lives and I often wonder who's story it is telling......
This image is a sneak preview of one of my most recent vessels "Forgotten Pasts"